Note: Our Organization is established for the less privileged
Note: Our Organization is established for the less privileged
Digging Well
Food Parcel
Fasting Breakfast

Embracing the diversity of seasons, our charity organization tailors support to match the unique challenges and opportunities each season presents. From winter warmth initiatives to summer education programs, we adapt our efforts to make a meaningful impact throughout the year

Zakat And Giving Alms

Our organization actively engages in the distribution of Zakat and alms, supporting those facing economic hardships. We contribute to fostering a compassionate and caring community, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and build a brighter future

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Festive Season Assistance Program

We organize the distribution of food, including the sacrificial meat from Eid-el-Kabir celebrations, as well as other essential food items. This initiative aims to bring happiness and sustenance to those in need which also strive to make each festive occasion a memorable experience for everyone involved

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Food Parcels

Providing sustenance and nourishment through food parcels, our organization aims to alleviate hunger and improve the well-being of individuals and families. By distributing essential food items monthly, we extend a helping hand to those in need, ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry

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